Thursday, January 30, 2014

Cult Nails & Loaded Lacquer Polishes

Hey everyone! So I'm home for this afternoon due to unfortunate circumstances. I was on my way back to work when my car started to feel like it was stalling (even though I drive an automatic), or like my tires were losing traction. I didn't panic too bad, because we HAVE had some icy/snowy conditions, so I assumed it was just an ice patch. Well then my "engine malfunction" light came on and started flashing at me! I've never seen that, so I started freaking out. I pulled over, called out of work, had a panic attack, and then took it to a shop. Its still there, waiting to be tested so we can know what happened.

Which has lead me here. I had done my nails on lunch using one of my new Cult polishes, figuring I'd take pictures and post them later after work. So in the process of my panic attack, in order to calm myself down, as ANY normal polish addict would, I began taking pictures of my new mani using natural light. So thank goodness for polish and iPhones.

I have decided not to let such a scary incident effect my whole afternoon and waste it. So I have decided to post on here for you all! So something good WILL come of this! :)

Let's get right to it.

Natural sunlight with no flash

Natural sunlight with flash

Inside with flash

Inside, no flash

Close up of the glitters

Close up with flash

Close up, no flash

Alright. This is one of my first EVER Cult polishes and I'm SLIGHTLY disappointed. Now, not because its not a gorgeous grey, but because their "one and done" type slogan did not really come through on this polish. The first coat went on very streaky, and it definitely required two coats. This color is Boneyards, and the gorgeous glitter from Loaded Lacquer in Foolish Hearts. Boneyards is a very pretty deep blue toned grey, and was very easy to apply. No more than two coats were necessary. Foolish Hearts is a lovely glitter containing white, purple, and black hearts & round glitters as well as some rainbow rounds as well in a clear base. I always store my heavy glitter polishes like these upside down so I don't have any fishing problems. These photos were two coats of each polish with one coat of SecheVite. 

All in all, I really do love both of these polishes. Boneyards may be my new favorite grey polish, and Foolish Hearts is definitely one of the best "Anti-Valentine's Day" polishes I've seen, while still keeping it girly and fun. I would MORE than suggest these brands/polishes to anyone!! 

Well, thats all I have for you today! I probably will not be able to do another update until about Saturday night or Monday night. I know Sunday isn't going to happen, because I'll be busy watching the Superbowl! So until then, my dears. <3


PS- Go Broncos! ;)

1 comment:

  1. I nominated you for a Liebster Award!
