Sunday, February 2, 2014

Oh My Glitter!

Helloooo there!

Wow. Okay. So I just checked my blog e-mail (because the past two days have been very intense with football related festivities) and I found out that Shawna from On A Chalkboard has nominated me for a Liebster Award! Thank you SO much! I don't think I've ever been nominated for anything in my life… Crazy! Well, I read her post and since I'm still super new to this whole blogging thing, I'm going to try super hard to do this right! So here it goes!

Heres the rules!

1. Share the name and a blog link to the person who so graciously nominated you. Thank you again to the amazing Shawna who is kindly linked above :)

2. Display the Liebster Award widget on the side of your blog. This will be put up as soon as I'm all done posting this! (if I can figure it out…)

3. Answer the 11 questions set by the blogger who nominated you

4. Provide 11 random facts about yourself.

5. Nominate 5-11 of your favorite bloggers, who have less than 200 followers - share the love!

6. Make 11 questions, that you have been dying to ask, for your nominees.

7. Inform the people/blogs that you nominated that they have been nominated for the Liebster award and provide a link for them to your post so that they can learn about it (they might not have ever heard of it, like me!)

8.Post the rules.

My nominees are… 

Jennifer from LacqueredMama
Rory from NailHigh
Becky from Pause for Polish
Julie from Short And Sweet in Texas (i know this is KIND of cheating, cause she has 236 followers… but whatever. I'm a rule breaker.)
Emma from Imagination in Color

My questions for these lovely ladies are:

1. Who is your biggest nail-spiration? (Blogger, instagrammer…etc)
2. What is your favorite prop to pose with, and why?
3. If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why?
4. What is your favorite ice cream flavor and brand?
5. Which Disney princess is your favorite and why?
6. Best nail polish find you've ever had?
7. What song comes on and you just can't resist dancing?
8. If you were stranded on a desert island and you could only bring 5 things, what would those items be and why would you bring them?
9. If you could have dinner with any famous person (dead or alive), who would it be and why?
10. Whats your favorite and least favorite nail polish brands?
11. What is your go-to polish color that you always end up having the most of?

Here are Shawna's questions for me!

1. What inspired you to start a blog?

Well, honestly? I talk A LOT in real life. I can seriously never shut up. I end up repeating things I've already said over and over, and my friends and family get super tired listening to me ramble on about a new polish I've gotten. So when I realized there were THOUSANDS of people out there who actually WANTED to talk about polish?! I decided the best place for it was a blog, where I can say what I want, and talk about what I wanted, which of course- is always polish!

2. If you could get any nail polish that your heart desired, what would it be?
Wow… You're killing me on this one. I totally have a wish list of JUST indie polishes that's about 60 items long, so…! But… I think I may have to choose Steel Town Girl from WingDustCollections.
3. What was your favourite beauty trend of 2013?
Lipstick. The bright, vivid lips. I have always been terrified of anything other than sheer gloss, and finally I just manned up and bought the brightest pink from the Maybelline Vivids collection and wore it to school. I got SO many complements that I literally went back and bought every single shade from that collection. I now feel so naked without my lipstick. 

4. What do you think will be the newest 2014 beauty trend?
Wow, I don't even know. I don't really follow beauty trends much. But I think the pixie cut with stay pretty strong, if not get stronger. We kinda ended 2013 with the pixie getting really popular, and I just think it'll take completely over in 2014.

5. What is the longest amount of time that you have spent doing your makeup or your nails?
This isn't really a fair question, because I am the biggest procrastinator. If I have time to mess around, I will use it. If I'm home on the weekends and I have a date on Saturday night at 8, I'll start getting ready at 2. I'll put some foundation on, then get distracted watching Disney movies. Then put on some concealer… Watch more Disney. Next thing I know its 7 and I still haven't done my eyes yet. But I have spent a full 6 hours doing my nails. =/ I am extremely OCD so I have a hard time doing dotticures because if the dots don't look right to me, I'll redo the whole nail. It literally took me 6 hours to do my Mickey/Minnie mani thats on my instagram. Let me tell you… INTENSE.

6. What is a blog goal that you are striving to reach this year?
I haven't really set any goals for myself just yet. I just recently got into blogging and instagramming my nail art and stuff within maybe the past month, so just getting more than 30 page views on one post I think would be nice! 

7. How many bottles of nail polish do you own?
Well… Last time I counted, which was over a year ago (due to horrible lack of storage space and poor organization) I had 217. But I have accrued SO many more, that I'm probably due for a recount!

8. When you aren't blogging, what can you be found doing?
Sleeping, eating, reading, playing with Meghan (my goddaughter), or watching TV. I live such an exciting life.

9. Which movie do you think will win the Oscar for "Best Picture"?
I'm not sure who will win, but I really think Wolf of Wallstreet deserves it. If I HAD to make a guess as to who the winner will be… I'd guess Captain Phillips. Just because the movie I don't want to win usually wins. My only request is that Her does NOT win. Dumbest. Movie. Plot. Ever.

10. What one beauty product can you not say no to?
I'm pretty sure we all know that's nail polish. 

11. Give me your number 1, must-read book suggestion.
The Fault In Our Stars by John Green. This book seriously made my want to rip out my own heart to stop it from hurting. I bawled my ever-loving eyes out. WARNING: Have tissues on-hand, because you never know when a wave may hit. 

Anddddd 11 random facts about me to finish off this long, lovely post!
1. I am an animal addict. I swear, if I lived alone and had the space, I'd have almost one of every thing. I cannot be brought into a pet store because I want to take home ALL the pets. Except the snakes. Can't have that. 
2. I still watch Spongebob, and I still find episodes I haven't seen. 
3. I am a DIE HARD Steelers fan. Because my boyfriend in 6th grade told me to be. I am now a bigger fan than he is.
4. I'm a retail-therapy shopper. Some people eat to feel better. I shop. It's way more dangerous than eating.
5. I'm terrified of failing. I had started a blog before, and stopped doing it after about 4 posts. School kept me busy and I just felt like nobody cared about what I had to say. I was also scared to ASK anybody to read it, so I just gave up.
6. I hate my feet. 
7. I sleep in an L shape. 
8. I named my cat Sheldon after Sheldon Cooper on the Big Bang Theory
9. I love opening things. it doesn't matter what it is. I don't discriminate. I just love opening things. Envelopes, boxes, presents…. Anything that comes in the mail, really.
10. When I was REALLY little, I thought post cards from the public library's gift shop were free, so I stole them on accident. When my mom found out, she took me back to the library and made me give them back and say sorry.
11. I hate odd numbers. So ending all of these with 11 is KILLING me.

Alright, well thats it! Hope you all enjoyed reading, and I hope you all enjoy the ladies I have tagged!! 


1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much! I'll work on this hopefully tomorrow. See if I can figure it all out Im a blog newbie.
